Spicy Kimchi Veggie Sushi

Serving Size 2

Prep Time empty mins

Cook Time empty mins

Difficulty Easy


Sushi rice

Cucumber, julienned

Carrot, shaved thin and julienned

Avocado, sliced

Green Onion, sliced

Nasoya Spicy Kimchi

Nori sheets

Sesame seeds

Vegan spicy mayo


  1. Cook the rice per package instructions. Once cooked, let cool until easy to handle.
  2. Prepare a nori sheet, place scoop of rice on about 1/3 to 1/2 of sheet.
  3. Layer some cucumber, carrot, avocado, green onion and Kimchi into a single line in the middle of the rice section.
  4. Roll the sushi using a sushi mat or your hands. Wet the end of the nori sheet with some water so it sticks.
  5. Lay down the roll on the side where the nori sheet it sticking to itself until you are done with all the rolls.
  6. Cut the rolls into bit-sized pieces.
  7. Drizzle spicy mayo on top of sushi and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

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