TofuFirm Tofu

Nasoya Organic Firm Tofu is versatile and a great source of plant based protein for you and your family to enjoy. This tofu has a little softer and more tender texture than extra firm tofu, making it perfect for scrambles, soups, sandwiches or grilling. Cholesterol-free, non-GMO and low in saturated fat, Nasoya organic tofu is made with simple ingredients like water and organic, whole soybeans.

Where to Buy

8g of
Plant-Based Protein

Made with Simple Ingredients

America’s #1 Tofu

Pressing your tofu before you start cooking helps remove any excess liquid to allow for better absorption of marinades and sauces. This is a key step when pan-frying or baking your tofu for the best texture and crispiness. Recommended for Extra Firm & Firm tofu.

3 Ways To Press Tofu:
  1. Use a Heavy Object – Dispose the water and gently remove the block of tofu. Wrap your tofu in a few layers of paper/kitchen towels and place on rimmed plate. Place a flat object like a cutting board on top, then use something heavy like a cast iron skillet or cans and let it press for 15-30 minutes.
  2. Use a Tofu Press – This small kitchen equipment applies a steady weight to squeeze out the moisture from your tofu – compact and simple.
  3. Blot It Dry – When you’re “pressed” for time, you can simply dice or slice your tofu and gently blot the pieces dry with a paper towel.

How To Cook Tofu:

Tofu is neutral in flavor, so it absorbs the spices or marinades of whatever it is prepared with. Tofu is extremely versatile and can be prepared in many ways:

  • Baked
  • Scrambled
  • Grilled
  • Fried
  • Stir-fry
  • Soups
  • And many more



Firm Tofu